Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Post-WWII Advancements

Although many inventions like the television, radio, camera, and computer were already in development before and during the war, afterwards the world experienced a rapid revolution in these technologies.

The primary invntion in development after the war was the camera and tv. As amazing of an invention as it was, the tv was still lagging behind the real world's standards: because the camera could not take enough pictures per seconds, when watched, figures seemed to move in a fast motion. However, in 1947, with the invention of the transistor, the camera and it's motion picture couter part could tape at real time.

The computer also underwent this amazing transformation. Before the 1940's, computers, which were used mainly for computing mathematical stuff, not only tool a massive amount of space, but also a very long time to do the work. Of course, as time went on, this invention developed into the smaller, quicker devices we know today.

Post WWII developments also gave way to inventions like wireless technology (cellphone, laptop, etc...) and massive computer developments (internet, GPS, weaponry).

1 comment:

Ms. Voss said...

We just got a new encyclopedia of communications in the library--you might want to check it out.

Ms. Voss